Modern Slavery Statement


For the purpose of this policy statement the term Modern Slavery includes: slavery, forced or coerced labour, human trafficking, and child labour. JamVans is a trading name of Way Moving Group Limited.


Supply chain

JamVans operates out of a number of locations around the United Kingdom. For services provided within the United Kingdom, we use our own staff and a network of approved partners and sub-contractors. Where the services are provided abroad our supply chain consists of established reputable shipping lines and air cargo specialist, approved sub-contractors and agents.


Our policy

JamVans are committed to ensuring that there is no Modern Slavery or scope for Modern Slavery in our supply chain or in any part or at any level of our business. We will not knowingly use partners, sub-contractors, suppliers or agents who disregard Modern Slavery or turn a blind eye to the evil of Modern Slavery.



We expect our employees, partners, sub-contracts and agents to act ethically and to promote good working practices at all levels and to accept without reservation the terms and the spirit of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and to follow through with the expectations of our policy to the letter.

We have systems in place to:

This policy statement has been approved and endorsed by all the directors of JamVans.